Why You Need Tarot

You may be surprised to find yourself reading this.

After all what on earth has tarot got todo with menopause and beyond?

It’s not just tarot however, its oracle cards in general.

Before you finish reading this, I want you to feel inspired to act on what I’m about to share!

Tarot and Oracle cards and me have a long history.

Through the height of my workshop addict phase, I bought many packs, each one representing where I was at.

I’m a bit minimalist these day, yes I use just two, and that is what I call discipline!

In midlife, there is something that I would describe as a calling to be answered. Whilst that is not the calling of tarot as such (it might be, but bear with me here), it is a deep longing to come home.

Home to yourself. And home to your gut.

Your gut instincts, your intuition. They start craving your attention. They want and need you to listen to voice within that has all the answers.

And so developing your intuition is a powerful aspect of reconnecting to your true self, of stepping into your power.

As you reach out for tools, you get experimenting with the things that bring you joy in this enriching process. You get bold.

In my shamanic journey group workshops for women as well as in my Rites of Passage Immersion, I use oracle cards to help you gain insights to your life.

The cards are like mirrors that you hold up to you and catch your reflection, reflecting aspects of you to be explored, glimpses of conversation that help to assist and empower you.

And begin a dialogue which grows as you begin to establish greater levels of trust in yourself and your ability to see truth. You see, its. the opposite of everything you have been taught, this is based on your own truth, not a dominant tyrannical paradigm. Yes, getting yourself a deck of tarot cards is a radical act.

And so you have an opportunity to grow with this and trust yourself more and more, and you WILL LOVE IT.

Let me know how you get on.


Angie Litvinoff is a life changing Rites of Passage Guide for Visionary Midlife Women, a Modern Medicine Woman and Artist.

She helps women FIND THEIR JOY.

You can find out more about how to work with her and to subscribe to this regular blog here: https://www.angielitvinoff.com/

photos by Nux Photography


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