hear yourself live

There is a moment of sudden realisation where it really hits you.

You can hear yourself think and you are straining to get all the full audio experience, because its new.

It’s a new frequency of listening, it takes dedicated hearing time, it is the voice that speaks for YOU.

What more can this newfound voice do? As it tells you things, wise things, new things, insights, angry things, joyful things, as it throws up the past, as it stops you and asks you to check in with your previous responses, it creates a job firmly in your mind.

This job creation anchors your life firmly to the direction of your dreams, and is sorting out the fine details before you set sail on this momentous journey. The job is also to be your gauge.

The bullshit gauge, the check in gauge, the gauge that gives you the truth of whether its good enough, or not good enough for your newly found sense of self.

Your newly found sense of worth.

And the voice is delivering a clear message to you loudly, so loud you feel everyone could possibly hear this, even though its only meant for you.


See the evidence that you are starting to create the life you truly want for yourself.

I’m not saying a life hyped up with expectations and the old story, I’m saying the life you want from your heart, a life which is in dialogue with your soul, transcending the old paradigm and letting go of limitations so you are feeling the freedom to express yourself. As a changing woman this will be key to a joyful new beginning.

Tell me, what is the ONE thing you will do today, which starts this? Hear yourself live Goddess, hear her, see her, celebrate her TODAY.

Create a little bit of heavenly joy in your life right now and laugh and dance whether nobody is watching or whether everybody is watching.

You ARE the Creatrix.

Angie Litvinoff is a life changing Rites of Passage Guide for Visionary Midlife Women, a Modern Medicine Woman and Artist.

She helps women FIND THEIR JOY.

You can find out more about how to work with her and to subscribe to this regular blog here: https://www.angielitvinoff.com/

photo by Nux Photography

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