The Day of The Woman


At this time of great tension in the world, the way we care for ourselves has got to hold the key to a sustainable way forward for us and for others.

And in your midlife, there has been no better time to reflect on how best to do this.

This is because quite often, you can feel that certain things in your life, the decisions you have made up till now, are greatly affecting the way you feel about yourself and life in general.

So today, I honour your great reset, and dedicate this blog to BEING ENOUGH.

By this point in time, if you are not in a war torn country or living in difficult circumstances, you are likely to be looking at your lifestyle, your diet, your health, your wellbeing, and also very likely to be reviewing your relationships, career or vocation, direction in life, identity and self worth. I don’t say any of this lightly, I was born into a military dictatorship in Chile and raised by a single mother in poverty.

And with this in mind, we need to go back in history for a minute.

As a feminist, and as your GUIDE, I look behind me quite often. How can I not, the male dominant white paradigm is wreaking havoc constantly with the way we see women, every second of the day. This history has created a dynamic through time which sets women up to fail, if you don’t feel like this and doing quite well, its likely you are doing so within the paradigm.

I now invite you to look at life OUTSIDE the paradigm.

A life where women are not afraid to walk the streets at night, where rape, domestic violence and sexual abuse are not issues that dominate women’s lives, a life where having or not having children, and abortion can all be supported accordingly, a life where each and every woman’s brilliance can be celebrated. Where each woman can be supported to grow and fly and shine. Where poverty, oppression, racism, inequality and discrimination have no place - because it is not a hierarchy designed to keep people down.

Where your body, your mind, your spirit are cherished and valued from the second you come to be.

Today is a day that highlights so many things, that celebrates women in a way they should be celebrated every day, indeed celebrates you in a way you should celebrate yourself constantly.

And today I invite you to think about your place in the world, to take that first step to claiming your voice, truth, vision, you as the CREATRIX, you as the embodiment of a powerful DIVINE FEMININE, you as you are now, in total self acceptance.

Every line, every stretch mark and every grey or white, every sassy bold empowered delicious wayward part of you and the aspects to cherish creating the woman you are becoming.

And your own place in creation, in the world. Because you belong, in a new story, a new paradigm which is supportive of you, one which is there to guide and hold you, to walk alongside you and honour you.

And subsequently gives you time to engage with a greater relationship to life itself, to the way we interact with environment, with mother earth, a way forward which is harmonious to life and to the earth, which merges our pulses, rhythms and cycles in a holistic way. One where we listen to nature, to her teachings and her ways, where we respect her. Sowing the seeds of potent new beginnings.

A path of understanding lies ahead of you which makes your experience profound, complete and empowered.

I celebrate your potential to do it YOUR WAY, for all women to do it their way.

I wish you the most amazing day of resilience, resistance, rebirth and recognition of all that you are and all that is possible within you, because that energy radiates outwardly and inspires others to do the same, self worth becomes peace, truth and harmony, flowing and strong, powerful and sustainable, supportive and nourishing, kind and wise.

Angie Litvinoff is a Rites of Passage Guide for Midlife Women, a Modern Medicine Woman and Artist. She helps women FIND THEIR JOY. You can find out more about how to work with her and to subscribe to this regular blog here:


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