
In my family we talk about identity all the time.⁠

My sons are Afro Latino British, my husband has roots in his Afro Caribbean ancestry + from other places too, and was born here. I am British Chilean - an immigrant Latin American with ancestry in Chile, Catalan, Basque and much more.⁠

My son's identity is theirs, what they wish it to be, what they wish it to become.⁠ They are not my husband or me, they are forming their own identity.⁠

That is where the empowerment is.⁠

Because identity is way beyond where your family came from, where you were born, what people think you are, what social class or where you live or grew up or cultural heritage or what's on your passport.⁠


So now I invite you think about you - and the identity that each one of you can own.⁠

And that isn't a label someone else gives you, its an identity which YOU ultimately hold the power decide is best for you, because it resonates on a soul level.⁠

My sons have many more years ahead exploring who they are, not only their ancestry and heritage so rich and abundant, their roots, as it is about looking at the NOW and what it all will mean to them as they grow, what they are stepping into, their future selves, how they wish to definite themselves in so so many ways. ⁠

I am hugely excited for who they are and what they will claim as theirs.⁠ Also our experiences of racism - which is everywhere - means that our eyes are well and truly open to the world.⁠

They will rise beyond the limitations of societies views, beyond the dominant paradigm or what people assume of themselves and others when they don't question what they really want, what really resonates with soul.⁠

Claim what is yours. ⁠Reclaim your right to the life you want and need, your place in creation.⁠



Angie Litvinoff is a Rites of Passage Guide for Midlife Women, a Modern Medicine Woman and Artist. She helps women FIND THEIR JOY. You can find out more about how to work with her and to subscribe to this regular blog here:

photo by Nux Photography

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