So what comes next and how do I do it? The Rise of the Spiritual Entrepreneur

You have been around for a while.

And you have covered a lot of ground, I know.

You are keen to grow - in all the right ways. You want to expand your life, your mind, your work.

Because your experience tells you so. Your wisdom is built on a wealth of knowledge and hard work, and this point in life is all about doing what you really love.

Even if you don’t know what that is yet.

What comes next?

So what exactly comes next in your life? You are exploring options, you are letting go.

Why do I know all of this? Two reasons really, I have been there myself and I attract women like you to my work, women who wish to RISE.

Back to you - as you are sorting out what you don’t want to do, it makes it easier to see what’s left. The part of you that only now you are ready for, now that you are aware of what your strengths are.

And these are new strengths - that have come about through learning that you have achieved all you set out to do in your old life. I can see how you can bring them into the new, but for now it is enough to know that you are stepping into a whole new world.

How do you do it?

Hmmm that is a big question, but its more the why for now. Focus on WHY you want to do it. Is it truly coming from a place of the best and most powerful intensions of your true self, is it your higher calling, is it what will catapult you to new heights.

It may be that it is a practical chapter, but its far more likely that it is the spiritual path calling you closer, nearer, deeper. The calling is impossible to ignore, it is actually more like a burning desire.

So take stock, right now.

See what your true intention is, does it make your heart sing?

Why does it do that and why does it do that right now?

Can you describe it?

Can you give it room?

Is it the very reason that you get out of bed in the mornings, can you identify with it, is it your passion?

Does it enable you to offer something authentic, unique, with the integrity you feel so essential to all of your endeavours?

Are you looking to transform everything you touch, and to help others do the same?

The RISE of you as a Spiritual Entrepreneur has already begun, even if you don’t have a plan - yet.

And THAT. is where your answer lies, the truth, the reason.

And let me close by saying I am deeply excited for you and all that you are about to do. You have come so far and now a new adventure. I love that you are doing this for you.

Angie Litvinoff is a Guide, a Ceremonialist, a Modern Day Medicine Woman and a Wellbeing Expert. She offers Divine Feminine Awakening - a transformational life changing training for women like you, who are ready to step into a leadership role involving Ceremony, Ritual and Women’s Circles and who want to incorporate this into their lives to create beauty for their clients and women around them.

To find out more about the certified accredited training and working with Angie see

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