Finding your Joy - Embracing the Enchantress

Embracing the Enchantress archetype is nothing less than controversial

So, you are in your mid 40’s, 50’s or 60’s and something extraordinary is happening to you - every day.

You have frequent realisations about your mind, your body and your spirit.

Based on TRUTH, because the illusion is falling away in an effortless way.

It’s hard too.

Because living the life you have had up until now has relied on you being predictable, compliant, understanding and at times all giving.

To the detriment of your own creativity.

And as a woman, taking some strange steps to becoming somehow more holy, more innocent, more quiet.

The Enchantress challenges ALL OF THAT.

Why are women supposed to fade away?

Only because it is a distraction from the total truth, that women get more womanly, more of themselves, they become greater RIGHT NOW.

The how happens as a process, but the total truth is there in its raw honest form, if you can just surrender to its beautiful inevitability.

Because the Enchantress is sexy, bold, loud, confident, mystical, spiritual, wild, adventurous, creative and authentic.

She walks upright, takes long strides, wears bright colours, is not afraid to be happy, angry, tired, energised, and break with convention completely. In fact she is pure liberation, she is FREEDOM.

There are two choices, you stay in the outgrown life or you step out of the comfort zone and grow into this Enchantress that will lead you to Crone.

Enchantress medicine is waiting, she is ready to take you on the best journey so far.

Angie Litvinoff is a Life Changing Rites of Passage Guide for Visionary Women, a Modern Medicine Woman, Mentor and Artist.

She helps women FIND THEIR JOY AND REBIRTH in Menopause and Beyond.

You can find out more about how to work with her and to subscribe to this regular blog here:

photo by Nux Photography

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