brutal honesty

So beginning to love yourself is about getting brutally honest.

What do you really feel, really want, really think?

And what do you really want to say?

Thanks to a conscious perimenopause I have homeopathic support which allows me to be in tune with all my changes.

And many of the physical and emotional changes are a direct reflection of my history so far (more on that another time).

I mention this as I know when I feel emotional and cry because something is so damn beautiful, or that my swearing is rather abundant on certain days, or that I need extra time in bed as exhaustion hits me.

And then the times of productivity when I feel a frenzy of creativity.

Amongst all that is this brutal voice, brutal truths.

Because its just too tedious to sugar coat my opinions any more and I don’t have time for bullshit.

When did this directness begin and get so prolific?

When I realised I had had enough of wasting time on something less than 100% honesty. And similar to when my children where very young and they didn’t hesitate to say it how it was - my actions speak even louder than my words, here lies brutal honesty in its full and most potent form.

You see, voice is not just words and truth is about carrying your message into your daily life.

I decluttered my life in every aspect.

So that I could get brutally honest with myself, so that I could carry through the passion and dreams which felt so urgent.

They ARE urgent. Living life for you is urgent.

Having boundaries is urgent.

Starting now is urgent.

Getting acquainted with the Wild Wise Woman in You is urgent.

Yes - you are sacred, sacred and divine.

Finding your voice so you can really hear it, so it speaks from your heart and so that you choose when and when not to speak will change everything.

What are you ready to get brutally honest about with yourself and with others?

The time to embrace this sassy soul of yours is HERE.

Angie Litvinoff is a life changing Rites of Passage Guide for Visionary Midlife Women, a Modern Medicine Woman and Artist.

She helps women FIND THEIR JOY AND REBIRTH in Menopause and Beyond.

You can find out more about how to work with her and to subscribe to this regular blog here:

photo by Nux Photography


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