So when IS it best to birth a new chapter?

If it’s feeling like you are going around a washing machine or being thrown around a fairground ride currently, you are not alone.

It is a time of huge turbulence.

So why is it a good idea to birth the next chapter NOW when all that is going on?

Something I learned after I had children was, I quickly realised that there was no ideal time for anything. If I put my life on hold whilst holding the space for others - my whole life would go by.

And so I adapted but never lost sight of who I was, or my relationship with my husband, or my self development, or times to enjoy together as our little tribe grew.

It did all slow down - a lot - and everything takes AGES in comparison to before, but that is actually a blessing, life was way too fast and too full and just altogether too much about other people.

And so, what about this new chapter? The one you want to birth.

When you have outgrown the old you are in this uncomfortable space of growth, shedding the old skin, in the birth canal, nothing seems real because you are still trying to manifest it.

You are still in the process of beginning to own your dreams.

However, the difference between it staying a dream and it become real is about how you manifest your passion into the world. On a practical level.

And one thing everyone who comes to me for mentoring and rites of passage immersions has in common is that all these creatives can’t go back to the way things were.

Whether by conscious choice or life deciding, or both, that there is no turning back.

And in front of you awaits a portal, a threshold of pure powerful authentic truth for you to walk through with intention and focus and clarity.

Birthing the next chapter is imminent when you are ready to create, and there will be no perfect time to do it, there will always be a reason to talk yourself out of it.

Divine timing is like getting on a merry go round, which I had to do for 7 years whilst my kids were small, it is about getting the momentum to do it and looking out for when, but not waiting so long that the moment has passed.

Serious about change?

Angie Litvinoff is a Guide, Mentor and Creative Consultant.

She is a catalyst for Soulful Creatives who are ready to birth their next chapter be it in life or work through Mentoring Programmes and Rites of Passage Immersions.

Find out more here:

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