Life, Death, Rebirth, Maiden, Mother, Enchantress, Crone

Ceremonial Immersions

The Rites of Passage to Honour and Meet Your True Self

A unique powerful soulful ceremonial container & mentorship immersion for your reinvention

You are Sacred and Divine,

And this is your time. You ARE the person you have been waiting for.

Time to take action, to honour your deepest connection to your wellbeing.

This reinvention is about life being on your terms.

The past is falling away and you can now create your vision for your new beginning right now.

Your Rite of Passage Immersion with me is a unique, powerful, exquisite creation. A tailored container awaits you, I am holding the space for you to truly step into your power.

This shamanic immersion includes powerful deeply transformational life changing in person days and include

A Complete Day of Ceremony, Initiation and Ritual

A Soul Recreation Workshop

A 21 Day Ritual Process

Your in person ceremonial day is hosted within easy reach of London near Potters Bar in an exquisite private woodland, yurt and labyrinth and the online soul recreation workshop to anchor your becoming as you meet yourself.

There are three immersive experiences, Life, Death and Rebirth. You can be initiated into one or choose to experience them as a programme to include all three.

We work through a theme - Birth, Deach or Rebirth and a Goddess archetype - Maiden, Mother, Enchantress Crone, to create your beautiful unique bespoke Rite of Passage


Honour who you are to birth your true self, you ARE the Creatrix, awaken the divine in you.


Grief, Loss, Death and Womb Healing Ceremonies. Experience your own funeral, merge with your shaddow.


Your reinvention and coming out into the world on your terms. Step out into the world to celebrate the life design of your own choosing.





Rites of Passage Ceremony, Initiation & Ritual Day

Sacred Ceremony honouring the deep process of your becoming.

A dedicated container for your becoming which is carefully curated embodying the themes of either Life, Death or Rebirth and taking you through the threshold of becoming at the most profound level.

Drawing from Angie’s experience as a Shamanic Practitioner and Earth Based Celebrant, she will hold space for you as you meet your true self at a soul level, honour your divinity, guide you to transcend the blocks and obstacles and fly.

Each day is created with key elements that will immerse you in ritual and ceremony and initiate you into your new stage of life, they create a defining moment in your story and mark a significant stage of surrender to your own essence.

The Soul Recreation Workshop

An integral part of your journey right now.

This transformational workshop will help you to find confidence and anchor your gifts and ability to believe in yourself. We now release your limiting beliefs and make them neutral, and replace with positive energy on a cellular level.

We look more closely at your blocks and your strengths, we get you ready to change your mindset and identify with you and your highest potential as a creator. Get ready to FLY.

21 Days of Ritual

A ceremonial immersion all of your own. Get to know yourself through gaining confidence in your own connection with nature, the elements, ritual and soul connection.

A series of process for you to experience for yourself leading up to your ceremony day.

Your Sacred Immersion with me will Include

  • A Shamanic Soundbath

  • Mentoring and Guidance at the Deepest Soul Level

  • Ceremony, Rituals, Initiations

  • An Ancestral Healing & Akashic Records Clearing through A Soul Recreation Workshop

  • A Rose or Cacao Ceremony

  • A Powerful Guided Ritual Practice building up to your ceremony day

Kind Words

​"It’s been a truly transformational journey which I’m extremely grateful for”

“Angie is an extraordinary ceremonial space holder and bridge to the innate”

“All the amazing tools with Angie’s solid support helped me to find myself, my inner strength and the power in me to live a life that is mine, that is in alignment with who I am.

It’s been an amazing experience!

I highly recommended Angie with her amazing gifts and talents to all who are ready to transform and step in to their power and want to feel more alive!"

​"Once I stepped over that threshold, into that new space I was ready, ready to take on board my transformation of believing in me as I was reunited with my warrior spirituality"

Are you ready for your

Rites of Passage Immersion?



Your carefully curated in person immersive ceremony day in a magical private woodland with transformational ritual, ceremony, initiation and beautiful food

A Soul Recreation Workshop and clearing of the Akashic Records Mentoring and Guidance at the Deepest Level


A powerful 21 day ritual practice to prepare yourself





Two carefully curated in person immersive ceremony days in a magical private woodland with transformational ritual, ceremony, initiation and beautiful food

Two Soul Recreation Workshops and clearing of the Akashic Records Mentoring and Guidance at the Deepest Level


A powerful 21 day ritual practice to prepare yourself





Three carefully curated in person immersive ceremony days in a magical private woodland with transformational ritual, ceremony, initiation and beautiful food

Three Soul Recreation Workshops and clearing of the Akashic Records Mentoring and Guidance at the Deepest Level


A powerful 21 day ritual practice to prepare yourself

